Sunday, April 18, 2010


About the Association for the Promotion of Speaking the Irish Language


We are a small dedicated band of linguists whose mission on this earth is to preserve the poetic and ancient Gaelic as a pure language.
We also pledge to keep Irish free from the oppression of the colonialist Britannia, forcing her foul tongue upon the sweet virginal Hibernia and her long suffering, devout people.

Britannia, the slapper

I've read in the mainstream media that AFTPOSTIL are an extremist fringe group, is this true?

It is true that one of our main tenants is that from the graves of patriot men and women spring living languages.
Founder: Mick Bhig NagCleas

And it is true that Mick Bhig NagCleas our movements founder is famous for the saying "the 'tree of syntax' needs to be 'watered' with 'the blood of Anglo-phones.' "
However in that case he was speaking metaphorically and no more meant literal blood than he literally intended to remove the head of Minister Noel Browne and defecate in the wound as he was reputed to have quipped during the famous meeting between the two figures.

But, "Ooouuurrraaaagggghhhh......Blarraggaaa...hey...hey!" as he was also fond of saying

To be considered an extremist group one must engage in highly confrontational actions, use hate speech, and/or support violent tactics.

While it has been claimed in the mainstream media the so called BallyNorriss Pogrom was a violent act inspired supported and funded by AFTPOSTIL.
Live reports from the scene clearly show paticipants attacking bystanders and police indiscriminately.

Further by definition a pogrom is a form of riot organised against a particular socital sub-group (ethnic, religious, or other) and characterized by killings and destruction of their homes, businesses, and religious centers.
That clearly does not describe the incident at BallyBoris which may have been many things,

( free and wild, beyond good and evil, with laws and morals thrown aside and all men shouting and killing and revelling in joy. per reports of the day from the Dunwich Herald)

but one thing it was certainly not was organised so to hold AFTPOSTIL as responsible for the mental and physical injuries would be disingenuous and unfair...
Especially as many of the survivors are expected, in the fullness of time, to retain a great proportion of their quality of life, going forward.

What do you say to the reports that four members of AFTPOSTIL's Board were either arrested on public order offences or killed in a brutal standoff with armed gardai?

Quoting those kind of statistics is just an exercise in permeability by critics who are stuck in the past and blinded by the old way of thinking.
AFTPOSTIL is a forward looking organisation. We will not be distracted from our goal of promoting a thriving and pure Irish Language for the 21st Century by such historical mistakes and/or indictable offences.

Can I join?
Of course.
Membership is open to all those who are the legitimate son of ex-members, sitting members of government, the top castes of civil servants* and Supernatural or Divine Entities

*If you are a Civil Servant but are unsure whether your caste qualifies, please see the leaflet "Untouchable to Secretary General, How to Recognise Your Inherent Value".

The translation I found on Google Translate/ Bable Fish is different than AFTPOSTIL 's translation, why?

Sites like Babel Fish and Google use a machine text translation system.
This MT system performs a simple substitution of words in one language for words to another, relying only on machine translation ignores the fact that communication in language is context-embedded and it takes a native speaker to fully comprehend the original text.

AFTPOSTIL's system makes se of our patented system of SCRIBES (c) which is able to tease out the poetic truth suffused within the language for even the most unsophisticated reader.

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